Opening hours
We are closed for holiday. We will open again on Friday 6th Dec. 2024
reservations: +43 3537 387 or booking [at] silvano.at
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About us
We are proud to say, that we are leading the restaurant in the second generation. Vita Muth and Silvano Moro built up the business slowly over many decades. Beginning of the 80s they moved from Munich to St. Lorenzen where they inherited the farmhouse a.k.a. “Sailer”. If you believe to the inscription of a wooden bar, which was uncovered at a renovation, then the Sailerhof (farmhouse) was already existing in 1449. Vita’s and Silvano’s fondness for good food, their talent to cook and their huge passion for music did characterize the house and its interior.
We ourselves are working in the business for a couple of years, which we took over in 2016. We are pleased to continue the tradition and to offer our guests culinary delights in a pleasant ambiance. We are supported by a great team of employees.
Entering our house, you might notice first the wood stove. Here we do not only prepare the loved pizzas, also many other food, such as lasagna or fish. We stoke the stove only with beech, as it is usual for real Italian pizza. This kind of cooking gives the food a unique aroma.
It is important to us to use as much local products as possible. Further to this we do our grocery regularly directly in Italy, as we know where to buy the best seafood and other specialties. Vines we do import directly from vineyards from the regions Friuli, Lombardia, Liguria and Piemonte. We attach great importance to the production of the food. We make as much as possible on our own, such as the classical Italian desserts and also our noodles. Also the filled pasta we produce ourselves. The venison for the fillings comes from self-hunted deer. From the forest on Kreischberg we do also get the mushrooms, which we prefer to process fresh.
On our menu you will further find a lot of vegetarian dishes, such as e.g. spaghetti with basil pesto, parmigiana melanzane (type of lasagna without pasta but with eggplants and great taste) or our vegetarian pizzas.
We could tell much more about our restaurant, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Come to us and make yourself a picture of this place.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Laura Muth & Roland Spreitzer

Your visit
We are an Italian restaurant in the holiday region Murau-Kreischberg. Situated on a hillock above the picturesque village St. Lorenzen am Kreischberg, our guests admire the stunning view to the surrounding mountains and the Murvalley.
We offer Italian specialties made of best local products and products of Friuli. We are proud to offer our guests homemade pasta and fish and pasta dishes out of the wood stove. To complete the meal we recommend a good glass of vine and a homemade dessert.
We look forward to welcoming you.

Your celebration
We are happy to arrange your celebration for you, for which we also like to put together an individual menu. We offer in our restaurant 2 separate rooms with 25 or 32 seats. In summer there is also the possibility to organize celebrations on our panoramic terrace for up to 50 people.

Our restaurant is situated about 4 km from the center of St. Lorenzen on the eastern slope of Kreischberg.
Coming from the east (Judenburg / Scheifling / Murau) you can reach us via the Murtal road B96. In St. Georgen am Kreischberg turn left towards St. Lorenzen / Kreischberg and follow the road. After the railway interchange, drive straight ahead and follow the road beyond the end of the village. The signage in guitar form will lead you directly to us.
Coming from the west (Tamsweg / Stadl an der Mur / St Ruprecht) you can also reach us for the Murtal road B96. In Lutzmannsdorf turn right towards St. Lorenzen / Kreischberg and follow the road to the station St. Lorenzen. Turn right and follow the street until you reach the end of the village. The signage in guitar form will lead you directly to us.
The road leads uphill through the forest and is cleared in winter.

Operator data for the website:
Ristorante Pizzeria da Silvano
Mag. iur. Laura Silvana Muth
St. Lorenzen 56
A-8861 St. Georgen am Kreischberg
ATU 70096549
Tel.: +43 (0) 3537 387
E-Mail: pizzeria [at] silvano.at
Pictures: Tom Lamm, Laura Muth
Text: Gundi Jungmeier x-tra Textgestaltung, Laura Muth
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